How to Become a Videographer on a Shoestring Budget

The cost of creating video online has plummeted, and you don’t really need to spend much in order to get started. This short guide will walk you through how to become a videographer and some of the tools and training you’ll need to get started without breaking the bank.

After digging around a bit, there are a handful of quite awesome courses available online, which are both cheaper and more accessible than trying to attend video school.

--> Videography Tips
--> Vimeo Video School
--> Videography Training
--> Join in with a online video forum
--> Seven Awesome Resources for Starting Your Video Business
--> Make Money on YouTube
--> How to Find Freelance Work

flip video camera

The Flip Camera is a small, good-quality, handheld HD camcorder, and for the price it is an bargain – ideal for a teen videographer just starting out.. Of course, there are other small and cheap camcorders but start by looking at The Flip, read some reviews and product recommendations and see what you think.

Adobe Premiere Elements

Software, like hardware, can get expensive very quickly. So here’s what I would recommend…

In general, stick to slightly older software. The bugs are all ironed out, there will be plenty of advice online on how to use it and of course, it’s cheaper. Sure, you lose some of the functionality that newer versions will have, but for the cost (unless you’re really lucky), it’s probably not worth it.

Second, look out for any educational discounts. Presumably, if you’re a teen you’re still in education so you can normally get a discount off computer kit, software in particular. Have a look around the web, and if necessary, walk into a high-street store and ask someone.

If you’re on Windows, then consider buying Adobe Premiere Elements, which is the watered-down version of Adobe’s Creative Suite super-software … which would cost hundreds of pounds and penny’s.

Top Tip: Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Element often come in a bundle at very little extra cost compared with buying them separately. I recommend getting the bundle and getting good quality graphics and video-editing software for better value.

For a little more, you could have the Sony Vegas video editing software which is slightly better but of course, for the money it’s marginal. Pickup an older version (Vegas Pro 8 or Vegas Pro 9) and save yourself some money.

If you’re on Mac, then the iMovie software that comes with iLife as standard is fantastic for getting you going. Of course, you could get the Premiere/photoshop elements for Mac too, but if you’re going to spend any kind of money you should be getting…

Final Cut Express. This is the watered-down version of Apple’s oober video editing software suite and is perfect for home video producers starting out.

Of course, if your video business takes off and you feel a pressing need to upgrade to the complete versions of Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Studio then by all means (make sure you take advantage of any educational discounts!)

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